Project Partners

All partners are jointly elaborating the individual research activities in a number of transboundary work packages, which are available here

From the very beginning, the project will be attended by a stakeholder board, staffed with representatives from Water Authorities of Israel (WA) and Jordan (MWI), water suppliers (Mekorot) and the agricultural water sector (NARC).


H3 GmbH:

Coordinates the project and is responsible for administrative issues. The team consists of both funders
Christian Siebert and Tino Rödiger that are  hydrogeologists and will analyse the principles of the Yarmouk water  resources applying advanced field and monitoring technologies as well as   hydrochemical, isotopic and
numerical modelling methodologies.

Geological survey of Israel – GSI:

The Israeli team around Eyal Shalev, with Hallel Lutzky and Uri Malik, applies high-performance devices to monitor the reaction of groundwater on external forces and is responsible for numerical modelling the 3D flow field.

National Agricultural Research Center Jordan – NARC:

The Jordan team consists of Elias Salameh, Sireen Naoum and Thair Al-Momani, who are developing and maintaining the integrated monitoring strategy of TransFresh in Jordan and will perform hydrochemical analyses on ground- and surface waters along the Lower Yarmouk Gorge.